Integrated assessment and modeling of agricultural systems and territories (social-ecological systems). Scopes: impacts and ecosystem services of agroecological (based on soil cover and diversified rotations) and agroforestry systems, evaluation and analysis of trade-off and synergies between ecosystem services (e.g. between green and blue waters and other soil-related services), territorial management of water resources, organic resources (wastes), biological regulations, territorialized bioeconomic systems, resilience/vulnerability/robustness of agriculture models.
Scientific coordination of the development of the MAELIA platform (http://maelia-platform.inra.fr/) for integrated modeling and evaluation of social-agro-ecological systems.
Design and coordination of high-resolution modeling and evaluation studies over large areas
Integrated analysis of simulation outputs
Deputy director of the LAE laboratory, Team leader of the research group AGISEM
Chairman of the Scientific Council of AGROECOLOGIE laboratory
Scientific coordinator of the French National Ecosystem Assessment regarding agricultural systems ((2014-2017, http://institut.inra.fr/en/Objectives/Informing-public-policy/Advanced-…)
Integrated modelling of agricultural systems (sensu lato)
Multicriteria and multilevel assessment in agriculture
Definition and assessment of ecosystem services provided by agricultural systems