Axe 3 : Interactions between agroecological systems and the bioeconomy
The aim of research axe 3 is to identify and design interactions between agroecology and the bioeconomy that will enable reaching the objectives of food and non-food supplies, conservation of natural resources and territorial resilience.
For this, the territorial bioeconomic systems, the agroecological systems and their relationships are characterised, modelled and assessed. Multi-criteria evaluation methods are adapted to the specific features of these systems and the synergies and antagonisms between these 2 systems are studied. In this way, we are studying the extent to which the bioeconomy offers opportunities for diversification and recycling to agroecological systems, and how the latter help to ensure the sustainability and resilience of the former.
Modelling and simulation of interactions, using the MAELIA platform, are used to develop and simulate the dynamics and assess the sustainability and resilience of prospective scenarios of the relationship between the bioeconomy and agroecology. In addition to academic productions, these scenarios aim to deal with the issues raised by local, regional and national stakeholders.
Mots-clés : integrated modelling and assessment, territory, agroecological system, territorialised bioeconomic system, prospective scenario.
Axe 3 has 6 permanent staff (1 teacher-researcher (HdR), 4 research engineers (3 HdR) and 1 research officer) and 8 doctoral and post-doctoral students. At the end of 2024, this team will welcome an additional research officer and research engineer.